Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ode to the Bees

The history of Apitherapy (the medicinal use of bee
products) is more ancient than culture.

The nutritional and medicinal value of bee products, in their natural and unadulterated form, is astounding! Pots of honey have been found in 2,000 yr old Egyptian tombs still edible! Raw, unprocessed honey is the richest source of live healing enzymes. Honey has been used to treat: diarrhea, ulcers, infections, IBS, gastrointestinal problems, cancer, staph infections, as well as have antibiotic eff ects in a number of infectious diseases. It can be applied to the skin to aid in healing from abrasions, abscesses, bed sores, burns, cracked nipples, cuts, and skin ulcers, just to begin! In China bee venom was used to treat epilepsy, diseases of urinary incontinence and arthritis. Sting therapy is still used today to treat a large variety of ailments. Bee Pollen is considered by many to be the most nutritious and complete food on the planet. In addition to all of this, bee keepers are known as some of the longest lived people on the planet- ripening into a long sweet life with their buzzing companions.

There are countless, historical and cultural records illuminating the glory, the sacredness, the utter brilliance of the honey bee, and for good reason. 150 million years ago when flowering plants first appeared on Earth, a symbiotic relationship between plant and bee occurred. For the first time flowers blossomed and in their wake, fruits and vegetables appeared; a pre-condition for human evolution. Wherever honeybees and humans meet, a magical and mysterious courtship begins, where the medicine of the bee illuminates and inspires.

Originally published in the Kootenay Country Store Co-operative's April 2011 Newsletter

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