Sunday, May 22, 2011
Ode to the Bees
The history of Apitherapy (the medicinal use of bee
products) is more ancient than culture.
The nutritional and medicinal value of bee products, in their natural and unadulterated form, is astounding! Pots of honey have been found in 2,000 yr old Egyptian tombs still edible! Raw, unprocessed honey is the richest source of live healing enzymes. Honey has been used to treat: diarrhea, ulcers, infections, IBS, gastrointestinal problems, cancer, staph infections, as well as have antibiotic eff ects in a number of infectious diseases. It can be applied to the skin to aid in healing from abrasions, abscesses, bed sores, burns, cracked nipples, cuts, and skin ulcers, just to begin! In China bee venom was used to treat epilepsy, diseases of urinary incontinence and arthritis. Sting therapy is still used today to treat a large variety of ailments. Bee Pollen is considered by many to be the most nutritious and complete food on the planet. In addition to all of this, bee keepers are known as some of the longest lived people on the planet- ripening into a long sweet life with their buzzing companions.
There are countless, historical and cultural records illuminating the glory, the sacredness, the utter brilliance of the honey bee, and for good reason. 150 million years ago when flowering plants first appeared on Earth, a symbiotic relationship between plant and bee occurred. For the first time flowers blossomed and in their wake, fruits and vegetables appeared; a pre-condition for human evolution. Wherever honeybees and humans meet, a magical and mysterious courtship begins, where the medicine of the bee illuminates and inspires.
Originally published in the Kootenay Country Store Co-operative's April 2011 Newsletter
Love, Chocolate, and Mineralization Keeps a Good Thing Going
“The beverage of the gods was Ambrosia; that of man is chocolate.
Both increase the length of life in a prodigious manner.”- Louis Lewin, MD
What nourishes the heart? We all know that love is the most vital nutrient to keeping our hearts, minds, spirits, and bodies thriving. Next to love our bodies need essential nutrients, many of which are minerals.
For humans, magnesium is one of the most important and the most deficient mineral in the standard diet (over 80% of Americans are deficient in this mineral.) Magnesium is vital to healthy heart function and is
concentrated 18 times greater in this muscle than in the blood stream. It is also the main nutrient missing when heart problems occur. There are many good magnesium supplements on the market, but the absolute best
source of magnesium as well as other minerals including chromium, iron, copper, and zinc, is raw cacao.
Raw cacao has the highest amount of magnesium, chromium, and antioxidants of any food on the planet. The antioxidant content of raw cacao benefi ts the cardiovascular and general whole body health. The Mayan and Aztecs referred to chocolate as yollotl eztli which means “heart blood”, and is still revered as sacred. It was given at marriages, celebrations of love,
and as a key component of ceremonies, as well as used as a currency and monitored by the ruling class. The nutrient density of raw cacao benefits every function of the body and longevity in humans. Giving raw chocolate communicates your love and depending on the situation, amorous intent, as well as your desire for that person to live a long and healthy life.
May you have a very love filled Valentines Day.
Originally Published in the Kootenay Country Store Co-operative's February 2011 Newsletter
Both increase the length of life in a prodigious manner.”- Louis Lewin, MD
What nourishes the heart? We all know that love is the most vital nutrient to keeping our hearts, minds, spirits, and bodies thriving. Next to love our bodies need essential nutrients, many of which are minerals.
For humans, magnesium is one of the most important and the most deficient mineral in the standard diet (over 80% of Americans are deficient in this mineral.) Magnesium is vital to healthy heart function and is
concentrated 18 times greater in this muscle than in the blood stream. It is also the main nutrient missing when heart problems occur. There are many good magnesium supplements on the market, but the absolute best
source of magnesium as well as other minerals including chromium, iron, copper, and zinc, is raw cacao.
Raw cacao has the highest amount of magnesium, chromium, and antioxidants of any food on the planet. The antioxidant content of raw cacao benefi ts the cardiovascular and general whole body health. The Mayan and Aztecs referred to chocolate as yollotl eztli which means “heart blood”, and is still revered as sacred. It was given at marriages, celebrations of love,
and as a key component of ceremonies, as well as used as a currency and monitored by the ruling class. The nutrient density of raw cacao benefits every function of the body and longevity in humans. Giving raw chocolate communicates your love and depending on the situation, amorous intent, as well as your desire for that person to live a long and healthy life.
May you have a very love filled Valentines Day.
Originally Published in the Kootenay Country Store Co-operative's February 2011 Newsletter
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Bring On The Cleanse

After the feast and foibles of the holiday season, and the aftermath of too many cookies eaten too quickly, many of us feel the need to clean out and recalibrate our internal reality. One of the most effective ways to do this is detoxification. Cleansing enhances your body’s natural healing mechanisms by giving them a break
from the substances that depress them, and it is an inherent aspect of preventative health. Preventative health is a practice of consciously choosing a lifestyle
that supports your overall immunity, well-being and thus longevity. When we seasonally or annually cleanse, we increase the likelihood of feeling good and thriving.
A detox program can help the body’s natural
cleansing process by:
1. Resting the organs through fasting;
2. Stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the
3. Promoting elimination through the intestines,
kidneys and skin;
4. Improving circulation of the blood;
5. Refueling the body with healthy nutrients;
6. Remove the old debris from the colon.
Any of these approaches on its own will help to facilitate greater health for your overall system, and yet a program that includes all of them is ideal. This
is why dietary changes, fiber supplements or colon hydrotherapy, and specific herbs and nutrients are helpful in this process. One of the misperceptions around cleansing is that it has to be intense, hard, and painful to be effective. Cleansing can be challenging because our bodies are removing toxins and in that process we can feel slightly ill. This does not usually mean that anything is “wrong”. If one
has a compromised immune system, cleanses should be done under the guidance of a professional.
Originally Published in the Kootenay Country Store Co-op January Newsletter 2011
Blue Green Algae Keeps the Blues Away

Thriving in British Columbia in the dark time of the year is a challenge
for many people and stress that can accompany the holiday season, as
well as the cold days can be taxing. For these reasons the Wellness department chose
to feature E3Live products in December. E3Live is a supplier of Aphanizomenon fl os-aquae, also known as “wild blue-green” micro-alga which grows in the
pristine environment of Klamath Lake, Oregon. This nutrient dense, wild super food, is one of the oldest life forms on Earth and is responsible for 80-90% of the oxygen in the atmosphere. E3Live has a huge array of brain-specifi c, mood and mental
clarity enhancing phenylethylamines (PEA); forty major and trace minerals including (iron, zinc, selenium, and magnesium); chlorophyll; antioxidants (such as beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein); a full array of B vitamins: and is a complete protein that is easy to digest and loaded with enzymes. E3live also
has the highest amount of the immune enhancing blue-pigment phycocyanin which stimulates the production of stem cells from bone marrow as well as keeping the liver functioning at optimal levels. E3live also has high amounts of “love chemical” PEA contains (certain products like Brain-On and Brain-On Supreme offer higher concentrations of PEA.) PEA is an appetite suppressant that increases dopamine
levels and the effectiveness of epinephrine, which helps increase mental
concentration, positive attitude, and joy. There have been many studies done linking AFA with the improvement of concentration, focus, and the reduction of anxiety and depression. In the last five years E3Live has been gaining in popularity because
people who try it experience immediate results and benefits, from short term and long term use.
Originally published in the Kootenay Country Store Co-operative December 2010 Newsletter
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Beautiful Body Care

It is easy to forget that the skin is the body’s largest
organ, and that each pore breathes - bridging the
outside environment and the interior self.The skin has 3 main functions: to insulate and protect the body against invasion by bacteria and other
foreign things; to sense touch, pressure, heat, cold,and pain; and to help control body temperature by distributing heat through the skin and by preventing
dehydration. On average women put over 200 different chemicals on to their bodies a day solely through cosmetic products. What many people don’t know is that these chemicals have a direct impact on the inner workings of the body because
anything that we put on to the skin goes within. Many of these chemicals have been linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, liver damage, and a whole host
of other symptoms. For more information about the chemicals to avoid look to
One of the best ways to avoid harmful toxins masked in body care products is to make your own. This way you can know what is going in it, and where that
product came from. Making lotions, salves, soaps, bath salts, shampoos, and conditioners is empowering because it is simple, affordable, fun, and takes less time than baking a cake. When I make lotion I know that it is clean, and it is a unique expression of creativity which brings me joy and satisfaction each time I use
it. Each creation is a marriage of flower infusions,spring water, the welcoming scent of bees wax, and the nourishing and pleasing sensation of skin renewed
and glowing from this kitchen alchemy. There is a kind of magic to it, one that can never be replaced by designer fragrances or promises of youth immortal.
Originally published in the Kootenay Country Store Co-operative November 2010Newsletter
This recipe was published in Herbs for Health magazine and is an excellent all-purpose skin cream created by the radiant herbalist Rosemary Gladstar. I have adapted recipe this many times over. To get funky with it use the basic premise of emulsifying equal parts oil and water mixtures (both at the same room temperature), to create adventurous and lovely creams.
2/3 cup distilled water--OR distilled rosewater or
-- orange flower water)
1/3 cup aloe vera gel
1 - 2 drops essential oil of choice
Vitamins A and E as desired
3/4 cup apricot, almond or grape seed oil
1/3 cup coconut oil or cocoa butter
1/2 - 1 oz grated beeswax
1. Combine distilled water, aloe vera gel, essential oil and vitamins in a glass measuring cup. (Tap water can be used but it will sometimes introduce bacteria and encourage the growth of mold.) Set aside.
2. In a double boiler over low heat, combine remaining ingredients. Heat just enough to melt.
3. Pour oils into a blender and let cool to room temperature. The mixture should become thick, creamy, semisolid and cream coloured. This cooling process can be hastened in the refrigerator, but keep an eye on it so it doesn't get too hard.
4. When cooled, turn blender on the highest speed. In a slow, thin drizzle pour the water mixture into the center vortex.
5. When most of the water mixture has been added to the oils, listen to the blender and watch the cream. When the blender coughs and chokes, and the cream looks thick and white like butter cream frosting, turn off the blender. You can slowly add more water, beating it in by hand with a spoon, but don't over beat! The cream will thicken as it sets.
6. Pour into into cream or lotion jars. Store in a cool place.
The above is the basic recipe but you can get more detailed information about making this cream and ingredient properties in Rosemary's handy book "Herbs for Natural Beauty". This inexpensive book is a must have for anyone interested in making their own cosmetics.
Note: Do not use this or any other aloe-based product on staph or strep infections as aloe will promote the infection.
Fundamental Nourishment

To be nourished is to thrive. Almost every imbalance within the body, mind, and emotions can be linked to an absence of nutrients. If we are not taking in and assimilating enough of life giving essential nutrients through diet, pristine air, water, sunlight, movement, quality sleep, as well as hope, growth, inspiration, and love then our bodies alert us to this in a myriad of ways. This communication may come in the form of physical pain, lowered immunity,negative emotions, and endocrine disruption, just to name a few.
To nourish our bodies we must feed ourselves real food. Highly processed, adulterated food has little to no nutritional benefi t, and can be considered
dangerous if eaten in large amounts especially over long periods of time. By adding in nutrient-dense foods as well as tonifying, strengthening herbs into our diets each day, we enrich our own capacity to thrive. There is a new classifi cation of medicinal plants that are both a food and an herb, these ancient plants are the most nutrient dense and nutritionally potent on the planet. Author and Lecturer David Wolfe has newly defined these ancient and revered gifts of nature as “super foods” and "super herbs." These “help to nourish the brain, bones, muscles,
skin, hair, nails, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys,reproductive systems, pancreas,
and immune system, they also over the long term, correct imbalances and help to guide us towards a more natural and aboriginal diet.”(Wolfe;Super foods pg.3) So, when looking to enrich our lives through the substances we consume let us remember the age old adage” What you reap is what you sow.”
Originally published in Kootenay Country Store Co-operative's October 2010 Newsletter
Nourishing Your Noggin

Supporting Your Brain -
The Essential Role of Omega 3, 6, & 9 in Vibrant Health. From the moment of our conception to our elder years, every human body requires essential nutrients
to thrive; these must be derived from food, water,sunlight, and nurturance. Each of these elements promotes multiple functions within the body system, manifesting a synergetic effect that we call health. Health is a dynamic, ever-changing state of
being that is experienced through prime feelings of joy, energy, alertness, clarity within all the senses, and physical comfort. In order to survive, grow in vitality and maintain healthy mental, physical, and emotional development our bodies absolutely require Omega Fatty Acids. Omega fatty acids, especially Omega-3 are
key components to human brain development and on going neurological health. Studies have shown that brain development in fetuses and infants require Omega-3 (which is then converted by the body into DHA helping to properly form the little ones’ brilliant neural capacity), and that DHA-defi cient children have lower intelligence and poorer vision. Although Omega-3, 6, & 9 are not difficult to find in nature,
they are exceedingly diffi cult to fi nd in the western diet. Two main sources
of Omega-3 are flax and hemp oils,which are converted in different ratios to DHA as needed. Fish oils are a direct source of DHA. Low levels of DHA have been linked to memory loss, depression,bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia, autism, infl ammation and general learning diffi culties or bad moods. For more information on the nutritional qualities of Omega Fatty Acids and their main food sources pick up a copy of the Co-op’s Guide to Fats and Oils, or view it on our website
Originally Published in the Kootenay Country Store Co-operative Newsletter September 2010
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