Supporting Your Brain -
The Essential Role of Omega 3, 6, & 9 in Vibrant Health. From the moment of our conception to our elder years, every human body requires essential nutrients
to thrive; these must be derived from food, water,sunlight, and nurturance. Each of these elements promotes multiple functions within the body system, manifesting a synergetic effect that we call health. Health is a dynamic, ever-changing state of
being that is experienced through prime feelings of joy, energy, alertness, clarity within all the senses, and physical comfort. In order to survive, grow in vitality and maintain healthy mental, physical, and emotional development our bodies absolutely require Omega Fatty Acids. Omega fatty acids, especially Omega-3 are
key components to human brain development and on going neurological health. Studies have shown that brain development in fetuses and infants require Omega-3 (which is then converted by the body into DHA helping to properly form the little ones’ brilliant neural capacity), and that DHA-defi cient children have lower intelligence and poorer vision. Although Omega-3, 6, & 9 are not difficult to find in nature,
they are exceedingly diffi cult to fi nd in the western diet. Two main sources
of Omega-3 are flax and hemp oils,which are converted in different ratios to DHA as needed. Fish oils are a direct source of DHA. Low levels of DHA have been linked to memory loss, depression,bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia, autism, infl ammation and general learning diffi culties or bad moods. For more information on the nutritional qualities of Omega Fatty Acids and their main food sources pick up a copy of the Co-op’s Guide to Fats and Oils, or view it on our website http://www.kootenay.coop/publications/fatsandoilsguide.doc
Originally Published in the Kootenay Country Store Co-operative Newsletter September 2010 www.kootenay.coop
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