To be nourished is to thrive. Almost every imbalance within the body, mind, and emotions can be linked to an absence of nutrients. If we are not taking in and assimilating enough of life giving essential nutrients through diet, pristine air, water, sunlight, movement, quality sleep, as well as hope, growth, inspiration, and love then our bodies alert us to this in a myriad of ways. This communication may come in the form of physical pain, lowered immunity,negative emotions, and endocrine disruption, just to name a few.
To nourish our bodies we must feed ourselves real food. Highly processed, adulterated food has little to no nutritional benefi t, and can be considered
dangerous if eaten in large amounts especially over long periods of time. By adding in nutrient-dense foods as well as tonifying, strengthening herbs into our diets each day, we enrich our own capacity to thrive. There is a new classifi cation of medicinal plants that are both a food and an herb, these ancient plants are the most nutrient dense and nutritionally potent on the planet. Author and Lecturer David Wolfe has newly defined these ancient and revered gifts of nature as “super foods” and "super herbs." These “help to nourish the brain, bones, muscles,
skin, hair, nails, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys,reproductive systems, pancreas,
and immune system, they also over the long term, correct imbalances and help to guide us towards a more natural and aboriginal diet.”(Wolfe;Super foods pg.3) So, when looking to enrich our lives through the substances we consume let us remember the age old adage” What you reap is what you sow.”
Originally published in Kootenay Country Store Co-operative's October 2010 Newsletter
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